sometimes its just so difficult to smile and pretend that everything is alright
that you scolding me in front of the patient is alright
that you being so difficult and demanding is alright
that you being so unreasonable is alright
that you being so harsh on me is alright
that you being so rude to me just because you are paying peanuts is alright
that i am your slave
that i am not trying when i just can't get it
that you venting your frustrations on me is alright
NO its not alright
but what else can i do but to smile back and agree
when in actual fact i know the root of it
i'm sorry i'm human and make mistakes
not like you
you must have been perfect from the start
you must have known it all
you must be a semi demi god
while i'm just a mere lesser mortal
wow you must have been so perfect
i would love to have known you when i was young
and maybe bit one of your perfect fingers off.