Caries and Cream

Saturday, August 30, 2008

USA June 2008

From my suite in San Diego La Jolla Cove

Friday, August 29, 2008

wo hao lei

last week of school is finlly here
so exhausted even though i semi have got used to this wirlwind speed that life moves at
been thinking of how unfair the stupid bond is
and its stupid is people get retained they have to pay another 9000
when we spend half our time assisting
do you actually know how much time tt is?
and they say we have it easy assistant and less requirement
but let me remind you that all that time went to assisting

some people really irritate me.
their skin is so thick can?
class politics is taking its toll on everyone
but nothing new that i realised.
just don't act angelic and tell me you don't bitch about others in front of me and bitch benhind my back.
at least if you do don't let me find out.

i semi reasonable.
so sick of everything.

won't ask you to go won't ask to stay
who are you anyway
and who you do you think you are?
just do as you pls.

Monday, August 25, 2008


when i was twele years old i had a friend.
a good friend in my eyes until one.
i dunnoe what those ill feelings towards me were based on but it could have been anything
this good friend of mine wrote a letter to this bamboo pole of a guy he was in em3 was chinese but spoke another language
in that letter she said that i liked him
when in real life our classes are separated by four rooms
contact was impossible
communication none
and of obviously i saw didn't have anything for bean poles
oh well he took offence due to me "liking" him
and life was hell
i was timid than
and clueless too
in my entire sheltered life i had never interacted with a thug
she was delighted by my humiliation
she was gleefull that she was not found out
and why do i know that it was her
because she stupidly stole one of my compositions and practiced copying my handwriting
what a ridiculous bitch.
till this day only i know the truth and i know it was her. TT

an ending to that guy lead him getting attach to a rather intelligent friend of mine.
no where in his league.
but she has mudslid down the mountain.
she was so smart.

fast forward to jc
TJ open house
this mass came up to me and scolded me
somehting in chinese about knowing a person and not acknowleding them
my friends were pretty motified by her outburst and pledged their loyalties to me saying they will never go near her.
one eventually was her friend while the other remained loyal.
i really treasure my loyal friends.
and i'm so glad i never went to TJ.
if not for such a strong push factor i would never have met such great friends.
in losing one i found many gems.
thank you bitch.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Take It Easy

Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
Brick walls are there for a reason: They let us prove how badly we want things.Go check this out on you tube if you have time.

So glad my hell week is over.
Being staying back till 9pm plus everyday and going to school at 7am plus.
Sick and all i trudged on.
Thank God for His grace and strangth that saw me through the week.
And bf for helping me with various work.
Feel really blessed that this week went so well when most of the time i was feeling half dead with a cought flu and headache.
And the three tests went pretty ok.
God's grace was really so real that week.

Celebrated JD's birthday this weekend.
With sis at Imperial Treasure great yummy food.
Two of us at Hanabi.
At his home with a suckling pig.
Ate so much.
But i decided i'm done with buffets.
i prefer ala cart now.
italian in particular.

Have a good week a head. Having oral surgery week so its a slower week for me as i do not have to call so many pts and stuff